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New eComStation:
(Ссылки на другие сайты) (Картинка дня) OS/2 artefacts:
Compaq Presario M2105US
Marca: Molto buono AMD Sempron 2800, 256 MiB RAM, 40 GiB hard drive, 15" screen, integrated modem, wireless 802.11g, (wired) ethernet, 1 PCMCIA slot, sound "card" and speakers, along with 2 USB ports.
The installation of eComStation on the laptop was just about as easy as installing an operating system can be; very little human intervention is necessary for a successful install. In the case of the Compaq Presario just partitioning the hard drive and selecting the networking driver and sound driver was necessary.
Read overview: http://www.os2voice.org/VNL/past_issues/VNL0106H/feature_2.html Queste informazioni sono state inviate da: Douglas Clark -- 2005-12-31 22:21:17
Test the program:
Still searching applications in the Internet? It's not comfortable. eCo Market - download all popular software for eComStation without web-browser.
eCo Software have created several web-sites:
eComStation.RU - News and articles (the 2-nd by visitors)
eComStation.TV - video clips and interviews
DevCon - for developers
Ideas for the developers:
eComStation.. Is it OpenSource operating system or not? Many components of eComStation are opensource. Send add-ons for the table.
Ultimo sondaggio attivo: What is the height of RPM barrier?
IBM OS/2 Warp