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OS/2 development

Multimedia: audio - Audio players and codecs for eComStation

ReFormat utility aimed to format USB flashdisks and USB HDD, and make compatible with OS/2

"Support of multi-processor PC (2 cores, 4 and 8 cores, ..)"

For developer:
Do you search icons for toolbar? Dosenz of icons are available via eIcons library (toolkit)

(Пайпы программ)

REXX: To process achive files (zip, rar, 7z) - use eZip library (Zippy)

Responsible for release of eComStation 1.0, 1.1, 1.2: Kim Cheung (Serenity Systems)


(DRAFT) How to accelerate boot of eComStation?

(Барьеры и решения)

Universal video drivers SNAP and Panorama VESA

(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)


3D printer, controlled by OS/2 (for medicine, for factories, not to print nouns)

New eComStation:
eComStation 2.2: Improved WiFi support (compatibility with modern routers / 2012, 2013)

eComStation Third Generation (list of tasks)

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(Картинка дня)

OS/2 artefacts:
Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

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General Network Utilities is a powerful Internet diagnostic tool kit featuring several tools designed to help you quickly identify problems, locate where the problem is, and gather data which can be used to solve the problem either directly or through your Internet Service Provider. With General Network Utilities you can see how the Internet is working, giving you the information to both optimize service and diagnose problems.

System requirements:

  • eComStation 1.x, OS/2 4.0 or above with TCP/IP 4.1


GNU overviews: english text russian language swedish translation


Every utility is able work standalone

NetUtils Shows the list of General Network Utilities, use it to start utilities
ARP elegant application to display or modify the content of ARP cache.
ARPscan Modern eComStation tool to detect the status of TCP/IP hosts on Local Area Network. ARPscan sends ARP Request packets, analyzes the results and displays list of detected IP hosts.
ConnStat eComStation tool to display information about TCP/IP connections status.
Finger Modern eComStation application to look up information about users on a TCP/IP host.
Firewall ports setup Excellent eComStation application which simplifies the usage of built into eComStation Firewall feature. Thanks to prepared configurations the application allows you to tune Firewall feature without efforts.
Firewall Advanced Advanced version of Firewall control program
Host eComStation tool to translate a specified host name to its IP address or vice versa.
IntStat Modern eComStation application to display statistical information about TCP/IP traffic volume. Thanks to accounting function IntStat allows you watch daily and monthly traffic volume for each interface.
IPconfig Elegant eComStation application to display or modify values of internal TCP/IP parameters. IPconfig is an application that allows you optimize TCP/IP network performance under eComStation by tuning internal TCP/IP parameters to match your network environment.
IPfmt Modern eComStation tool to display detailed information about packets captured by IPtracer program.
IPinfo Modern eComStation application to display the information about TCP/IP configuration parameters.
IPmonitor Displays the current IP traffic rate measured for each interface.
IPscan Powerful eComStation tool to monitor the status of TCP/IP hosts. IPscan consolidates possibilities of ARPscan and Ping programs and adds its own feature.
IPtracer Elegant eComStation application to trace all packets received from and sent to an interface.
Ping Sends ICMP Echo Request packets to IP network to detect the status of TCP/IP hosts.
PortScan Modern eComStation tool to look for open TCP and UDP ports on a TCP/IP host.
SubNets Calculates network related information: how many subnetworks for given network is supported based on a subnet mask, how many IP hosts within the subnet, broadcast address and so on.
Tracerte Elegant eComStation application to trace the route.
WhoIs Modern eComStation tool to look up information about a registered domain name.
IP4VM Bonus!! use this assistant to tune SVISTA/2 network routing


For dummies
How to organize the collection of movies / audio-tracks / photos

Database of OS/2 compatible hardware


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eComStation Serenity Systems International • OS/2 Warp IBM Corporation • ArcaOS Arca Noae