Q1: How to modify my WPS-application to support PNG Desktop's features (Large icons)? A1: Use methods: _wpQueryBigIcon and _wpQuerySmallIcon instead of _wpQueryIcon
Q2: System requirements? A2: Color depth: Any color depth (true color, 256, 32K, 64K)
Q3: What are the demo restrictions of Sunny icons? A3: You can use new transparent icons but can't use size larger than 40x40
Q4: How can I change icon for all .txt files? A4: Investigate x:cs\icons\BIGICONS\bigicons.txt
Q5: Do you accept icons from me? A5: Yes, if the icons correspond to our style.
Q6: You are stupid! Why spend time to icons? The developers must work on kernel, etc. A6: eCo Software is developing all kinds of software:
base drivers, device drivers, system utilities, small applications,
medium applications.
Q7: I boot to Desktop and see scroll-bars A7: Use the latest version of SunnyIcons,
Adjust position of icons, shutdown system.
Scroll-bars should disappear.
Q8: What libraries does Sunny need? A8: This libraries: ecomedia.dll, ecolange.dll, os2om30.dll