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Thinkpad, configuration description

2015-08-29 03:53:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Lenovo continues to improve own site, several monthes ago they removed information about old models of laptops so users can't find description of configuration by TYPE.

Model number = TYPE is written on the bottom of the laptop, in format XXXX-XXX. (If you see "XXXX-CTO", then search ProductID)

How to find the hardware configuration in Internet? For example, TYPE 6457-W8G ? search: google -> 6457-W8G intel -> you can find bits of information in the forums, in online shops. Find T7300 (2.0GHz), resolution, etc. Example of configuration: 14.1 SXGA+ (1400x1050), Core2 Duo T7500 (2.2GHz), 2048MB, 160GB, DVD?RW, 6cell Li-Ion, Quadro NVS 140M 128MB, Gigabit LAN, WiFi 802.11b/g/n, BT, FPR, 4-in-1, XP Pro

We are collecting this text lines, to include this database to OS/2. Send us TYPE and corresponding short description of configuration via web-form

The listings will be available for all users and published on the site: ecomstation.ru/thinkpad

MultiMac: Революция в драйверах для OS/2

2015-06-01 01:11:36 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [Arca Noae]

OS/2 users with Arca Noae subscription have access to new drivers built using new technology.

The drivers for Ethernet network adapters are ported from FreeBSD operating system. In the past the drivers were based on Linux drivers.

Official announcement:

Arca Noae has posted a new item, 'New MultiMac NIC driver package (20150529) released'

Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new release of our MultiMac NIC driver package.

More information about the MultiMac NIC drivers may be found in the wiki.

New in this release:

A new E1000B driver. This is the first driver produced using the newly developed library for porting FreeBSD drivers that was discussed at Warpstock 2014. The E1000B driver supports more chipsets than the E1000E driver. This driver is the first release, and is still considered experimental, however, testers have been using it for a few weeks with no problems.

Updated NVETH, E1000E, R8169 drivers. Although there are no changes to these drivers, they have been recompiled for this release. This means that any changes to the system libraries will also be incorporated into them.

As always, problems encountered with this version should be reported to the ticketing system. Simply log in with your Arca Noae credentials, select MultiMac from the list of projects, and open a ticket.

This driver package is available for download from the Arca Noae website as part of your Arca Noae OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package subscription. Please log into your account in order to access your software.

If you haven't yet purchased a software subscription, this is a great reason to do so now.

You may view the latest post at http://www.arcanoae.com/new-multimac-driver-package-20150529-released/

Arca Noae: updated USB drivers

2015-04-13 00:38:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Arca Noae (US company) updated the stack of USB drivers.

One of our users reports that

  • USB printers are visible now
  • no troubles with USB flash disk inserted before system boot
  • USB Audio works better

Celebrating the 100 Millionth ThinkPad

2015-03-12 03:27:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

ThinkPad laptops, which debuted in 1992, recently celebrated the milestone of shipping 100 million units worldwide. In just twenty over years, the black-clad laptop family has quickly established itself as an industry icon, with loyal fans that are passionate about each generation of ThinkPad products. In fact, the 100 millionth ThinkPad has been nicknamed as Eve, who will be tweeting throughout the year on her own unique Twitter handle, @thinkeve.

read more

We recommend to OS/2 users buy Thinkpad laptops (enw or used), so the developers of OS/2 drivers concentrate on one manufacturer of computers.

Drivers for OS/2?

2015-02-03 19:01:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

If you want run OS/2 (eComStation) on modern hardware, you need drivers.

All updates are available from Arca Noae and available by subscription. List of drivers: ACPI, Danis506, MultiMac, AHCI, Panorama, JFS, Uniaud, USB stack

Here is the shop: Arca Noae

IBM smartphone, 20 years ago

2014-09-22 22:12:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [habr]

IBM Simon - is the first commercial smartphone (1994). touchscreen + you can install additional applications + draw pictures using stylus. Simon could receive fax, email, pages messages. General applications: Mobile phone + calendar + address book,+ worldtime + calculator + notepad and games

IBM have sold 50 000 devices. Unlocked: $1099. 2 years contract: $899, later it decreased to $599.

Read more: (russian text) IBM Simon - the 1-st smartphone, what is inside?

Book "ThinkPad: A Different Shade of Blue"

2014-06-21 01:49:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

One more interesting book about Thinkpad and IBM OS/2.

ThinkPad: A Different Shade of Blue tells the exciting inside story behind the creation of one of the most successful brand names in computing. Through interviews with the ThinkPad Team and IBM executives, and access to internal documents and memoranda, the book provides a rare inside view into the workings of an IBM brand team. Here is the inside scoop on the cultural and personality differences that almost killed one of the most significant development efforts in IBM history. More importantly, it offers valuable lessons on what it takes to build a world-class, enduring brand or product.

Week of motherboards

2014-06-14 03:59:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We added to Hardware Database 30 new reports with information about compatibility of motherboards with eComStation. eComStation and compatible hardware.

Why eComStation.RU Hardware Database survived other listings? 1) no hard requirements. we are happy is user posted 1 word 2) major part of the reports have pictures of devices 3) the scouts are collecting the information bit-by-bit from different sites


See also: Report about Hardware compatible with eComStation (2014/06)

Intel WiFi Link 5100 for OS/2 Warp

2014-06-10 13:35:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users continue discuss how to install Intel WiFi Link 5100 (512AN_HMW) in eComStation:

Genmac forum

  • To use wifi adapter with Thinkpad laptop, check that the adapter has FRU number (else thinkpad hides the device)
  • Unofficial site of Genmac

eComStation PC: Week of Frankenpad laptops

2014-05-20 03:57:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of reports about supported Frankenpads (IBM Lenovo Thinkpad) - Thinkpad laptops compiled from several models, modernized.

Our database contains 414 records only (different laptops). Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

Please add information: Version of ACPI driver (switches, BIOS setup changes), etc.

eComStation PC homepage

eComStation: driver updates

2014-02-09 23:16:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Final version of OS should include debugged versions of drivers, let's make more iterations:

  • Driver for Realtek Gigabit PCI-Express LAN adapters. This driver is based on the source code of r8169 Linux kernel module.

    MulitMac Realtek Gigabit PCIe NIC Driver for driver for eComStation version 1.0.0

  • USB Audio - USB developers continue to update USB Audio driver. So you can attach adapters with SPDIF digital output, professional audio cards and multimedia devices (FM transmitters, etc) (RUS: How to install UBS Audio)
  • Ethernet drivers (BETAZONE):
    • e1000e-0.2.5.wpi This is an OS/2 NDIS driver for Intel ... 112 kb 07/02/2014
    • nveth-0.1.12.wpi This is a driver for NVIDIA ... 63 kb 07/02/2014
    • r8169-0.3.3.wpi This is an NDIS driver for Realtek ... 102 kb 07/02/2014

Week of PCI serial add-on cards

2014-01-13 18:10:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible PCI serial add-on cards (example: 16 8 port RS-232 serial PCI adapters, com-port).

Our database contains ~ 10 records only.

Post reports via web-form.

PCI adapters. Which driver do you use, how to setup it? Does it work in SMP APIC mode? Do you use SIO or system driver pscom.sys?

Intel 5100 WiFi and eComStation

2013-11-12 20:59:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

More users report about work of Intel 5100 in eComStation

Intel WiFi Link 5100 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN module is installed inside Thinkpad laptops:

  • R400, R500
  • SL300
  • SL400, SL400c
  • SL500, SL500c
  • T400, T500
  • W500, W700, W700ds
  • X200, X200s, X200 Tablet
  • X301
  • 3000 N500

Other method - find patched BIOS (with removed white list) and flash it. In this case you can use Intel 4965AGN adapter, which works with eComStation without problems.

eComStation PC: Week of Flashdisks and NAS

2013-10-02 03:00:23 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible Flashdisks and Network Access Storage devices (NAS). Our database contains 157 records only. Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.

Post new reports using the web-form.

Tell us more details about:

  • (NAS) Which model supports EA?
  • (NAS) Do you upgrade Firmware?
  • (NAS) How to resolve SYS0050 and SYS0058 errors?
  • (Flashdisks) What is the speed of read/write to flashdisk after update of USB drivers?

eComStation and support of web-cameras

2013-09-12 23:29:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Wim Brul have implemented support for other web-cameras, homepage: http://home.hccnet.nl/w.m.brul/usbvideo/index.html

The support of web-cameras is possible because USB drivers were improved (get version of Lars Erdmann from hobbes, special build for eCS from BETAZONE)

We don't know if Wim goes support more cameras. Let's collect requests. If your Thinkpad laptop has web-camera and you want get it working, 1) confirm that you can test the driver during several weeks / monthes. 2) save report of USB device (USB Dock -> report), 3) your contact information

Thinkpad notebook and и WiFi adapter

2013-08-21 02:50:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What to do if your notebook is equipped with unsupported WiFi-adapter (not supported in eComStation)?

You can install other adapter, for example: Intel PRO/Wireless 4965AGN. It should have FRU number (manufactured for Thinkpad). Your laptop will stop boot with this adapter because it has White list (all unauthorized devices are blocked)

Many thousands of Windows users have similar problems with white list, they flash patched BIOS in this case. You can find BIOS with removed White list in the Internet. Search: google -> thinkpad x301 white list BIOS

Share links to patched BIOS with other eCS users: Thinkpad BIOS without white list

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