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eComStation update: drivers

2013-08-12 03:51:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The updates of eComStation are released every week. For example:

  • ACPI 3.22.02 - ACPI driver. Whatsnew: updated Intel machine, fixes. ACPI is important for multi-core computers, to prevent overheat, for all computers manufactured after 2005.
  • AHCI 1.30 (2013/08/01) - there were significant changes in previos versions, new version contains small fixes
  • MultiMac - (there were updates during the spring) - drivers for Ethernet adapters
  • USB - stable version is under construction, try new version

You need software subscription to access the updates.

P.S. If you have the subscription then you can download current beta of eComStation 2.2

eComStation PC: Week of Postscript-printers

2013-08-12 01:21:23 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible Postscript printers. Our database contains 321 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

Do you have troubles when printing to PS printer? a) doesn't work at all, b) it can print PDF but doesn't print simple text files, etc. c) wrong characters on the page

eComStation PC: Week of IdeaPad notebooks

2013-07-19 04:20:53 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of reports about supported modern Lenovo IdeaPad notebooks.

Ten years ago all OS/2 users were using black Thinkpad laptops, today people have hardware from different manufacturers.

Our database contains 402 records only. Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

Please add information: Version of ACPI driver (switches, BIOS setup changes), etc. How did you replaced WiFi adapter?

eComStation PC homepage

Thinkpad notebook and и WiFi adapter

2013-07-01 17:55:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What to do if your notebook is equipped with unsupported WiFi-adapter (not supported in eComStation)?

You can install other adapter, for example: Intel PRO/Wireless 4965AGN. It should have FRU number (manufactured for Thinkpad). Your laptop will stop boot with this adapter because it has White list (all unauthorized devices are blocked)

Many thousands of Windows users have similar problems with white list, they flash patched BIOS in this case. You can find BIOS with removed White list in the Internet. Search: google -> thinkpad x301 white list BIOS

Share links to patched BIOS with other eCS users: Thinkpad BIOS without white list

eComStation and Thinkpad laptops

2013-05-10 02:56:36 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Everybody knows about Hardware database http://ecomstation.ru/hardware.php

Let's collect additional Detailed reports about compatibility of eComStation with Thinkpad laptops -- Detailed reports (tables)

btw, read this brochure: 20th Anniversary: My Thoughts on ThinkPad (written by the designer of modern Thinkpad laptops)

eComStation pre-installed to SSD drive

2013-04-01 02:17:44 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

SSD drives are 5-10 times faster than usual hard drives, SSD are silent and cool. eComStation SSD

Contact your locla eComStation reseller and order SSD with eComStation pre-installed. When do you need it?

  • You don't have time to learn installation procedure and you need ready for use disk
  • The cost of SSD drive is high in your city and low in the city of the reseller
  • Sometimes you can't install eCS to PC and you need aux PC.

Thinkpad and eComStation

2013-03-22 15:06:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Frequently asked questions and answers:

1) General question which requires your participation (Windows) What is the temperature of CPU and North bridge in your Thinkpad? This is important to setup eComStation. Send reports to: via web-form, View data posted by other users: at this page

  • 2) What Lenovo computers (Thinkpad laptops) have UEFI? Here is the list
  • 3) Why some models of Thinkpad are expensive ($1500-2000), other are cheap $700? For example, models with IPS screen are always expensive (list of Thinkpad with IPS)
  • 4) "Does suspend/resume work for my laptop?" - There are more that 100 models of Thinkpad. Every model has several modifications (TYPE: ..). Test eComStation with the latest ACPI and share the results with other users.
  • 5) What resolution of screen is better? One model can be equipped with different screen (1024x768 or 1400x1050, 1280x or 1920x). Test both models and select what resolution is better for you.

Reviews of Thinkpad laptops

2013-03-14 02:53:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.RU site have implemented excellent model to keep database of hardware: a) the users are posting short reports (they have 5 minutes only; No barriers, users type simple text and post it; that's all what we can collect from the users;) b) periodically we are posting large reviews with information how to install eCS on modern hardware and how to adjust system settings.

  • Here is the 1-st review of Thinkpad running eComStation (the last 7 years): Thinkpad X61 and eComStation, First Impressions (russian text) (The previous reviews were published in 2004 or early)
  • eComStation installation: Lenovo Ideapad S206 http://ecomstation.ru/showarticle.php?id=281

eComStation and SSD drives

2013-03-01 01:34:13 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Please share your expecience, does eComStation work well with SSD drives? Does AHCI driver work well for you? Can you activate TRIM command?

Use SSD drive to upgrade your Core 2 Duo Thinkpad laptop or home barebone.

Thinkpad X61 and eComStation First Impresstions

2013-02-10 00:44:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Yury Larin published detailed review Thinkpad X61 and eComStation First Impresstions: Technical parameters, installation and setup of eComStation, installation of applications.


Additional information:

Week of UEFI computers

2013-02-06 03:27:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Check the listings:

The users are posting new reports about new motherboards. This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible motherboards. Our database contains 329 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.

Post new reports using the web-form

Does the motherboard use UEFI interface? Does ACPI driver work with the motherboard?

Ciritical problems in drivers

2013-01-30 00:19:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Don't delay posting of bug-reports to the developers of device drivers. Here is the list of all bug-trackers: http://ecomstation.ru/projects/support/?action=bug-trackers

If you can't post detailed bug-report to the bug-tracker then post a short message to this announcement. We should prepare bug-reports bit by bit.

Several significant barriers:

1) eComStation can access 512 Mb of RAM only (altough you have installed 2 Gb or 4 Gb). This problem occurs on modern computers (Intel Core i3/i5/i7, UEFI motherboards, B57 chipset, etc.) One of reports. Do you have this problem? Post information about your computer model. Is it possible influence on this problem via BIOS setup?

2) Do you have troubles with video?

  • For example, you can activate 1440x900x65536 video mode, but 1440x900xTrueColor shows trash on the screen. Solution: (no solution)
  • Modern NVidia video adapters: You can activate needed video mode (larger than 1680x1050) but the quality of picture is poor (16:9 monitors; you see flashing / the picture is smaller than the dimension of the screen) Solution: NVidia DVI Scale filter -- Panorama VESA homepage

3) AHCI driver (SATA driver):

  • Does it work for you?
  • Does SSD drive work with this driver?
  • Did you had a crash of system which couldn't be fixed? (JFS filesystem, "OS/2 is unable to boot"). Collect more information (version of driver) and post to the bug-tracker. This problem may relate to JFS driver or AHCI driver.

Notes: This message is aimed to gather users with similar problems, combine detailed bug-reports and attract the attention of the developers to critical problems.

Panorama VESA video driver 1.0.3

2012-12-31 22:15:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2VOICE]

This version has the following changes:

  • 1.0.3: Fixed a problem with certain ATI/ATOM BIOS systems

  • 1.0.2: Fixed the hang at desktop start that occured on some systems.
  • 1.0.2: Fixed some problems with setting a custom resolution on ATOM BIOS.
  • 1.0.2: Some changes to the PanoUtil program.

  • 1.0.1: Added support for more Intel CPUs.
  • 1.0.1: Removed SetCustomRes.cmd and added that functionality to PanoUtil.exe
  • 1.0.1: Added an alternate way to detect Intel Type 1 ROMS.
More information about the Panorama video driver package can be found at: http://svn.ecomstation.nl/panorama

You can download this new release from your Software Subscription Services at the Mensys website. Log in to Mensys with your Mensys login id and click the Downloads link. Click the "Software Subscription Services for eComStation" Download link and the Panorama drivers should be listed.

You can report problems at: http://svn.ecomstation.nl/panorama

One more site: http://ecomstation.ru/panorama

New computers - disable Secure Boot

2012-12-24 23:00:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The holidays are coming and users buy new beautiful computers in super-markets. Some of them has Secure Boot feature and support Windows 8 only (by default).

Read more how to disable this revolutionary feature: osnews.com more links about Secure Boot: distrowatch.com, linuxfoundation.org

Week of modern Thinkpad notebooks

2012-11-29 01:52:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of reports about supported modern Lenovo Thinkpad notebooks. The users have tested compatibility with Thinkpad T520, W500, W700, etc. Our database contains 388 records only. Post new reports using the web-form.

PHOTOS! Send us the photos of your Thinkpad with eComStation running. It's impossible find photos of computers with eComStation in the Internet.

Questions to all eComStation users:

Compatibility of Thinkpad and eComStation

2012-11-16 06:48:04 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

You can find more reports in the database of tested hardware: Hardware Database. Post add-ons: setup of ACPI, AHCI, ..

More and more people select Android tablets. This devices are useful to view data only. eComStation users need real notebooks to make real work, generate content and products.

Use Dock-station to extend functionality of the laptop:

P.S. And replace battery every year (2 years)

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