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LIP packs - switch eComStation to your language

ReFormat utility aimed to format USB flashdisks and USB HDD, and make compatible with OS/2

Demo version of eComStation (download .iso image)

For developer:
Do you want popup a Banner (notification) for user in your applciation? Use Banner mechanism (Banners library)

(Пайпы программ)

SQLite library is available in every eComStation now (eCo Software runtime)

eCo Software was the leading developer of modules for eComStation 2.0


eComStation hot keys: eComStation support service (eCo Software)

(Барьеры и решения)

REXX: To process achive files (zip, rar, 7z) - use eZip library (Zippy)

(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)


3D printer, controlled by OS/2 (for medicine, for factories, not to print nouns)

New eComStation:
eComStation 2.2: Multi-processor support is stable now (successful startup on any computer)

eComStation Third Generation (list of tasks)

(Ссылки на другие сайты)

(Картинка дня)

OS/2 artefacts:
Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

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Poll: Mobile eComStation users

2011-04-05 22:32:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New poll on ecomstation.ru site: Are you mobile eComStation user? (* mobile - user with notebook). The goal of the poll - check that support of notebooks is important.

Look at all your eComStation computers. Please calculate how many (%) notebooks do you have?

X% = (eCS_Notebooks * 100) / Total_eCS_computers

  • 0% - no notebooks
  • 1%-19% - I have a notebook, but prefer desktops/servers/barebones
  • 20%-39%
  • 40%-59% - half of computers are notebooks
  • 60%-79% -
  • 80%-99% - I am mobile
  • 100% - notebooks only

(Don't forget input anti-spam 6-digits CODE: below the list of answers on the page of voting)

Week of USB touchscreen

2011-02-13 03:01:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

How to get support of USB touchscreens in eComStation? If you have an USB touch-screen in the office (or your friend or neighbour owns), please grab USB log, send the model name and the log to the developers - web-form (Example; How to grab the log? eComStation: USB Dock, USBRes; Linux: USBView; Windows: USB Deview, USB View)

The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible touchscreens. Our database contains 19 records about touchscreens only, Post new reports using the web-form

This information is important for developers of solutions based on eComStation. (a) Solutions page, b) Developers of POS solutions in DevCon)

Homepage of eComStation PC ------------

What video driver do you use?

2011-02-01 14:16:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New poll on ecomstation.ru site: What video driver do you use?

Look at your computers with eComStation. Please calculate how many computers have Panorama VESA videodriver?

X% = (Computers_with_Panorama_VESA * 100) / Total_computers_with_eCS

  • 0%-20% - SNAP everywhere
  • 20%-40%
  • 40%-60% - half of computers have Panorama VESA
  • 60%-80% - Panorama VESA everywhere
  • 80%-100% - Panorama VESA only

(Don't forget input anti-spam 6-digits CODE: below the list of answers on the page of voting)

Week of laser printers

2011-01-17 13:55:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible laser printers (cheap). Our database contains 281 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

Attention! The developers of solutions are interested to know the list of unsupported devices.

What is the driver? Is it Postscript printer?

Are you going to install eComStation on a tablet PC?

2010-12-19 02:28:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New poll on ecomstation.ru site: Are you going to install eComStation on a tablet PC?

You can see more and more tablets on the market (CPU: Intel Atom). We are interested to ask eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp users, are you going install eComStation on a tablet?

  • yes, I am going to test eComStation installation
  • no reason to install eComStation on such kind of hardware
  • My tablet is equipped with other CPU. It's impossible to install eCS
  • I don't plan to use tablets

You can select only one option, select the general one. Write detailed answer in the comments field.

(Don't forget input anti-spam 6-digits CODE: below the list of answers on the page of voting)

Cybergang Compromises Every ATM In Russian City

2010-12-05 17:35:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [> www.OS2World.com, IBManners]

"A group of fraudsters has been arrested in Yakutsk and Moscow for allegedly compromising all the ATMs in the city of Yakutsk - population: around 210,000 - in the Republic of Yakutia in the Russian Federation. Three of the men formed the actual criminal group, and the fourth - a Moscow-based malware developer - was 'subcontracted' by them and received 100,000 rubles (some $3200) to develop a custom ATM virus with which they would infect the devices."

How to solve the problem of viruses? Extend the functionality of eComStation ATMs (IBM OS/2 Warp)

Moving to SSD drives

2010-12-04 23:07:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

More and more eCS users are switching to SSD solid-state drives.

Question: how to modify eComStation to reduce load on SSD disks? Which disk functions to modify?

eComStation and IPv6

2010-11-25 21:15:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [Roderick Klein (Mensys BV), http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/eComStation/message/85120]

IP 6 currently is kind of a no-brainer.

Why ? While we might look into IP 6 support later down the line. But let me give some people some hard facts...

IP 6 is needed for the internet. IP 4 address are running out. In the Netherlands the first ISP is selling internet connections with IP 6. The world as no choice if the internet is not to grind to a halt.

However there are going to be masses and masses of systems running IP 4 apps for years to come. The new ADSL modems coming out support IP 6 on the outside and and IP 4 / IP 6 on the outside. We will enter a transistion period of a few years.

Next to that IP 6 is far from secure and protocol loop holes are being found and fixed. Its kind of neglected this transfer to IP 6, it as been delayed to long. The result if IP 4 and IP 6 will have to run next to each other on the internet and gateways will be created...

So the result for OS/2/eComStation is currently we won't go out in the cold because IP 4 will be around for a long time..

Roderick Klein (Mensys BV)

Week of network adapters (Genmac Wrapper)

2010-11-21 14:09:57 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Help us collect information about network adapters working in UNSUPPORTED mode with Genmac wrapper.

Here is the list of tested adapters: 173 models. Add new reports or comment reports posted by other users.

You can share the package of drivers with other users.

Additional information:


eComStation PC: Week of barebones and mini-ATX

2010-11-10 14:22:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible barebones. The database contains 348 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

ACPI.PSD switches? Model of motherboard inside?

If you are going install home media-center based on eComStation, pay attention to silent barebones from Shuttle, ASUS, Dell, AOpen.

What is eComStation PC?

Week of i3/i5/i7 barebones, notebooks and servers

2010-09-27 20:33:44 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible barebones, notebooks and servers based on Intel Core i3/i5/i7. Our database contains 347 records about notebooks and servers, 264 records about motherboards. Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

ACPI.PSD version and switches? Which version of ACPI.PSD doesn't work on this motherboard?

Which applications/drivers are not ready for this family of CPUs?

Updated drivers danis506 and NVETH

2010-09-16 01:07:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

danis506 - driver for PATA/SATA controllers, danis506 1.8.7 is uploaded to Hobbes

danis506 homepage

danis506 Whatsnew

Version: 1.8.7

 0x3B20, 0x3A00,     // PCH SATA  4p -> ICH10 SATA 4p
 0x3B21, 0x3A06,     // PCH SATA  2p -> ICH10 SATA 2p
 0x3B24, 0x3A00,     // PCH SATA RAID-> ICH10 SATA 4p
 0x3B25, 0x3A00,     // PCH SATA RAID-> ICH10 SATA 4p
 0x3B26, 0x3A06,     // PCH SATA  2p -> ICH10 SATA 2p
 0x3B28, 0x3A00,     // PCH SATA  4p -> ICH10 SATA 4p
 0x3B2B, 0x3A00,     // PCH SATA RAID-> ICH10 SATA 4p
 0x3B2C, 0x3A00,     // PCH SATA RAID-> ICH10 SATA 4p
 0x3B2D, 0x3A06,     // PCH SATA2 2p -> ICH10 SATA 2p
 0x3B2E, 0x3A00,     // PCH SATA2 4p -> ICH10 SATA 4p
 0x9000, 0x3349,     // VT8261  -> VT8251 SATA
 0x9040, 0x3349,     // VT8261  -> VT8251 SATA
 0x07F4, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA5 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x07F5, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA6 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x07F6, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA7 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x07F7, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA8 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x07F8, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA9 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x07F9, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA10 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x07FA, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA11 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x07FB, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M73 SATA12 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0AB8, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0AB9, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0ABA, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0ABB, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0ABC, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0ABD, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0ABE, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0ABF, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M79 SATA4 -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D84, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D85, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D86, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D87, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D88, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D89, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D8A, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D8B, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D8C, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D8D, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D8E, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA
 0x0D8F, 0x044C,     // nForce7 M89 SATA  -> nForce6 M65 SATA

A number of these used to run in generic (i.e. slow) mode. Now they should run at full speed.

In addition, there was significant rework done on the state machine logic that handles removable drives.


NVETH - driver for NVIDIA family integrated LAN adapters.

What's new?

  • 0.1.0 -- Changed ring setup. Minor interrupt handler changes.
  • 0.1.1 -- Added APM support
  • 0.1.2 -- Fixed errors in link speed setup. Fixed reentrancy problem and block during interrupt in transmit.

NVETH 0.1.2 is uploaded to Hobbes (eComStation 2.0 GA contains broken version).

Drivers for network adapters

2010-09-10 13:40:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Without the drivers for network adapters any operating system becomes unusable.

Ethernet drivers:

What to do with WiFi drivers? Main problem - how to interact with XWLAN?

Uniaud driver is usable now

2010-08-17 22:44:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New version is recommended for users with HDAudio adapter.

UniAud versions 1.9.24 and 2.1.1 have been updated (8/13/2010). Homepage of UNIAUD

in these releases, the driver code is based on ALSA 1.0.21 and 1.0.23, respectively. This is based on the GPL ALSA Project from Linux and provides drivers for various sound chipsets, including HDA, AC97, and PCI cards. Note that there are some known problems with the 2.1.x series, such as "pops" at the end of WAV files. In addition, the cause of repeating system sounds has been found to be a bug in IBM's SND.DLL, and a workaround created. See more: eComStation bug-tracker (login via ecomstation.com)

Week of barebones, notebooks and servers

2010-08-11 16:38:49 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible barebones, notebooks and servers. Our database contains 344 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

ACPI.PSD version and switches? Model of Motherboard inside? How do you reduce power consumption?

If you are going install home media-center based on eComStation, pay attention to silent barebones from Shuttle, ASUS, Dell, AOpen.

What is eComStation PC? (how to select notebook compatible with eComStation)

Intel PRO/1000 PCIe MAC Driver

2010-07-29 14:27:23 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New driver for eComStation is released: Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI-Express Gigabit Ethernet

Download from BETAZONE

Supported adapters:

82566MM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:1049]
82566DM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:104a]
82566DC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:104b]
82562V 10/100 Network Connection [8086:104c]
82566MC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:104d]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:105e]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:105f]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:1060]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:107d]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Fiber) [8086:107e]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:107f]
82573V Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:108b]
82573E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:108c]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:1096]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Serdes) [8086:1098]
82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:109a]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:10a4]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Fiber) [8086:10a5]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:10b9]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:10ba]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Serdes) [8086:10bb]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:10bc]
82566DM-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10bd]
82567LF Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10bf]
82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c0]
82562G-2 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c2]
82562GT-2 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c3]
82562GT 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c4]
82562G 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c5]
82567V Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10cb]
82567LM-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10cc]
82567LF-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10cd]
82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10ce]
82574L Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10d3]
82571PT Gigabit PT Quad Port Server ExpressModule [8086:10d5]
82571EB Dual Port Gigabit Mezzanine Adapter [8086:10d9]
82571EB Quad Port Gigabit Mezzanine Adapter [8086:10da]
82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10de]
82567LF-3 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10df]
82567LM-4 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10e5]
82577LM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10ea]
82577LC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10eb]
82578DM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10ef]
82578DC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10f0]
82567LM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10f5]
82574L Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10f6]
82567V-3 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:1501]
82583V Gigabit Network Connection [8086:150c]
82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:294c]

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