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eComStation PC: Week of Postscript-printers

2010-07-04 22:03:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible Postscript printers. Our database contains 271 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

Attention! The developers of solutions are interested to know the list of unsupported devices.

eComStation PC: Week of Lenovo notebooks

2010-06-24 14:53:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of reports about supported modern notebooks Lenovo Thinkpad T400, T510, W500, .. Our database contains 339 records about notebooks only. Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

Please add information: Version of ACPI driver (switches, BIOS setup changes), etc. How did you replaces WiFi adapter?

eComStation PC homepage

Week of PCI serial add-in cards

2010-05-28 01:14:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible PCI serial add-in cards (example: 8 port RS-232 serial PCI adapters).

Our database contains ~ 10 records only.

Post reports via web-form.

PCI adapters. Which driver do you use, how to setup it? Does it work in SMP APIC mode?

eComStation PC: Week of Digital Photo Frames

2010-05-07 20:27:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible USB Digital Photo Frames. Our database contains 1 record only.

Post new reports using the web-form.

Share additional information:

  • USB VendorID:ProductID
  • how many seconds do you wait before drive letter becomes available
  • supported video/bitmap formats
  • How did you prepared the USBMSD device for usage with eCS?
  • What is the speed of copy operation if use patched USB 2.0 driver?

Week of All-in-one PCs

2010-04-02 02:05:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation should work on any PC (326 reports). You can install it on old model from 90-th or modern computer loaded with ACPI.

The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible all-in-one desktop PCs.

Our database contains 0 records.

Post reports via web-form.

Make a surpise to your friend - install eComStation on his All-in-one computer.

Drivers for eComStation

2010-03-02 01:29:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Current state of development (2010/03):

  • The development of AHCI driver was started. What can you do today? Share the information which notebooks (SATA-controllers) can't be switched to compatible mode.
  • Panorama VESA - Lars ans Steven fixed the trap in GRADD + the research of MTRR continues - the users of i3/i5/i7 CPUs got significant increase of video output (bug-report 2582, bug-report 2755, bug-report 2755). The users of Panorama VESA can share information: which monitors+adapters work well in large video modes (1920x1080, etc)
  • JFS.IFS - some bugs are fixed, there is work on reliability of the FS. What other developers can do? It's necessary create more disk tools.
  • CUPS - Paul updated CUPS subsystem, drivers for Hewlett-Packard. What simple user can do? Test the driver, send report to Hardware database
  • Genmac may be updated - source: Genmac forum, What you can do? You know how to run a network adapter in UNSUPPORTED mode, post the report to the site
  • Uniaud - the 5-th attempt to accumulate Uniaud Matrix: let's collect reports which models of HDAudio work well with Uniaud v.X?
  • ACPI - let's continue to accumulate the reports about ACPI (while no other database),
  • USB-stack - it's necessary debug USB 2.0 before start of USB 3.0 development. What you can do? Report about problems with mouses, traps in USB drivers, for developers: which endpoints/interfaces don't work properly.

eComStation PC: Week of Mobile phones/communicators

2010-02-21 04:01:20 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Help us collect information about communicators and mobile phones compatible with eComStation (visible to eCS as USB MSD device, wifi connectivity, supported modem, data sync)

Here is the list of tested models: 25 models. Add new reports or comment reports posted by other users.

How to setup the device? Is it necessary format disk (filesystem)? Which dialer to use? Do you use USB_ModeSwitch utility to enable the modem?

Homepage of eComStation PC

Future development of GenMac Wrapper

2010-02-19 01:06:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

There is a chance that Willibald Meyer will include more drivers to Genmac (the drivers which work in UNSUPPORTED mode) + he can resolve the problem of 0 MAC address.

source - Genmac Wrapper news-group

More information about Genmac Wrapper - http://ecomstation.ru/genmac

For Sale: A sporty laptop

2010-02-19 00:29:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [> http://www.os2world.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,63/topic,2151.msg14634/topicseen,1/#new]

Blonde Guy has prepared a sporty new laptop. Mobilopeep is small, yet powerful. Intended to be easy to travel with, Mobilopeep weighs 3 lbs, 3 oz and has a 12 inch screen that fits in places where larger laptops are awkward. Battery life is 5 hours with the extended battery.

Mobilopeep starts out as an IBM Thinkpad X41, then gets the maximum RAM and an UltraBase X4 docking station with an UltraBay Slim DVD/CD-RW drive. Then Blonde Guy installs a 64 GB solid state drive (SSD) for outstanding hard drive performance. At home, the dock connects to your monitor, keyboard and mouse (USB and PS/2 are both supported.) SNAP accelerated graphics supports both normal and wide screen monitors.

See the Blonde Guy Computers For Sale web page for more details and ordering information.

Blonde Guy Computers come with eCS installed and configured and many applications, including OpenOffice.org 3.11 and RSJ CD-Writer installed as well.

If you don't see what you want on the website, please tell me what you'd like to see when you buy your next eCS computer.

Panorama, Genmac, MobilePhones

2010-01-18 19:03:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The developers need feedback from the users.

1) Panorama VESA - do you get a trap during boot of GRADD (Exception in module: GRADD) after installation of Panorama VESA (or during boot from eCS 2.0 CD1)? Contact us, send us information what is the model of CPU, model of video adapter.

2) Genmac Wrapper - What is the plan of work? Let's collect the list of adapters not supported by eComStation: Unofficial Genmac site -> "Users need support of adapters:"
Send us: Name + ID of adapter + interface + what is the problem

3) Post reports about Mobile phones visible in eComStation as USB MSD devices

Week of motherboards (Socket 1156 for i3, i5, i7)

2010-01-18 10:52:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible motherboards. Our database contains 2 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.

Post new reports using the web-form

eComStation PC: Week of Flashdisks and NAS

2010-01-14 16:30:49 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible Flashdisks and Network Access Storage devices (NAS). Our database contains 115 records only. Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.

Post new reports using the web-form.

Tell us more details about:

  • (NAS) Which model supports EA?
  • (Flashdisks) What is the speed of read/write to flashdisk after patching of USB drivers?

Share the knowledge: read/write to flashdisk

2010-01-08 17:41:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What is the speed of read/write to USB flashdisk?

User 1:

Some values from my 1TB disk connected via USB measured with large files:

write   JFS:    20.6MByte/s
read    JFS:    23MByte/s

write   FAT32:  4.0MByte/s (without cachef32, with cachef32 L:on about 4.1)
read    FAT32:  9.0MByte/s

W2k to the same FAT32 partition
write   FAT32:  26.7MByte/s 

eComStation PC: Week of 3G/4G modems

2009-12-27 15:57:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Help us collect information about supported 4G modems and 3G mobile phones.

Here is the list of tested models: 19 models + 25 models. Add new reports or comment reports posted by other users.

How to setup the device? Which dialer to use? Do you use USB_ModeSwitch utility to enable the modem?

Homepage of eComStation PC

eCS PC: How to select new notebook?

2009-12-09 10:30:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation PC site reminds: Take care when purchasing new hardware (notebooks and motherboards), convince that SATA controller supports Compatible mode and you can select this mode in BIOS Setup (some notebooks and motherboards are AHCI only).

Our database contains description of notebooks which don't work with eComStation: Samsung, HP, HP

Post new reports via web-form.

More recommendations: eComStation PC Homepage

Week of All-in-one PCs

2009-10-28 13:18:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation should work on any PC. You can install it on old model from 90-th or modern computer loaded with ACPI.

The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible all-in-one desktop PCs.

Our database contains 0 records.

Post reports via web-form.

? Does eComStation work on computers:

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